By using a _fallback.svelte in example/widget, we can grab the leftover URL and pass it to an embedded widget.
Alternatively, the widget can grab the leftover URL itself.
This allows for reusable navigable components.
id: 1
name: Leanne Graham
username: Bret
id: 2
name: Ervin Howell
username: Antonette
id: 3
name: Clementine Bauch
username: Samantha
id: 4
name: Patricia Lebsack
username: Karianne
id: 5
name: Chelsey Dietrich
username: Kamren
id: 6
name: Mrs. Dennis Schulist
username: Leopoldo_Corkery
id: 7
name: Kurtis Weissnat
username: Elwyn.Skiles
id: 8
name: Nicholas Runolfsdottir V
username: Maxime_Nienow
id: 9
name: Glenna Reichert
username: Delphine
id: 10
name: Clementina DuBuque
username: Moriah.Stanton